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Cardano (ADA) Price Super Cycle Predicted by Top Analyst - U.Today
13 Dec 2024

Cardano In Turmoil: Hoskinson Addresses Whistleblower Claims - Bitcoinist
12 Dec 2024

Bitcoin (BTC) at $100,000: What's Next? Dogecoin (DOGE) Failed Miserably, Cardano (ADA) Ready to Dominate? - U.Today
13 Dec 2024

Cardano price gains 88% — Is the ADA rally just getting started? - Cointelegraph
03 Dec 2024

Cardano founder renews call for ‘verified tweets’ after social media hack - CryptoSlate
09 Dec 2024

Cardano Foundation X account under attack, hackers spread misinformation about SEC lawsuit - Crypto Briefing
08 Dec 2024

Altcoins XRP, Tron and Cardano Cool Off as Market Reacts to Bitcoin Plunge - Decrypt
10 Dec 2024

Cardano Holders Unlikely To See Break of All-Time Highs for ADA, According to Analyst Jason Pizzino - The Daily Hodl
14 Nov 2024

Cardano's ADA Leaps to 2.5-Year High of 90 Cents as Whale Holdings Exceed $12B - CoinDesk
22 Nov 2024

Hacked Cardano Foundation X account posts fake token, false SEC lawsuit notice - The Block
08 Dec 2024


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DRep Registration and Delegation with GovTools - Education - Cardano Forum

You can use certain Cardano wallets or GovTools to register as a DRep or delegate ADA to a DRep. GovTools is a web interface that connects to your wallet, allowing you to perform all available governance operations. In the guide, we will show you how to edit DRep data correctly. Wallets When you click on ‘Connect Wallet’ in GovTools, you’ll see a list of supported wallets. Keep in mind ...

2020 in review: Looking back on Cardano’s transformation

Looking back on Cardano’s transformation: 2020 in review As the year draws to a close, let’s highlight the major milestones and events that have shaped 2020 for both the Cardano Foundation and the entire Cardano ecosystem. It has been an extraordinary year. We have all made huge adjustments to the way we work and live. But despite this, the Cardano ecosystem has flourished. The Cardano ...

The Cardano Roadmap: A Journey Through History And Innovation

In the blockchain industry, Cardano stands out not only for its technological progress but also for its original roadmap, which is inspired by personalities with historical and cultural significance. Each era in the Cardano roadmap is named after a luminary figure, symbolizing the evolution of the network. This article will take you on a journey through the Cardano roadmap, exploring the ...

How to delete a scam token from Nami wallet? - Cardano Forum

Hey there! I’ve encountered the same problem with my wallet being cluttered with numerous scam NFTs and tokens. To address this issue, I developed a small solution. I deployed a token-burning (actually token-locking) script on the Cardano blockchain and created a website to host the script’s address for public use: burnada.org.

How to easily delegate to DRep in 30 seconds with 3 steps and no risk ...

[ Cardano Govtool ] and copy and paste your DRep ID (a list is available at the bottom of this article) into “Search” → press “Connect to Delegate” to the right of the results → select the relevant wallet → press a button that says “Allow connection” → press a button called “Delegate” → your wallet will appear, so ...

DReps Showcase - DRep Discussion - Cardano Forum

Open call to registered dReps on Cardano to join the DRep Chain Live Webinar Are you a registered dRep? Looking for more delegators to connect with? If so, join the live webinar hosted by dRep Chain and get the opportunity to inspire action from over 60+ Ada holders. Happening on: 📆Date: Saturday, November 23, 2024 ⏰Time: 11:00 am UTC 🔗Event link We encourage you to join the ...

Accessing Cardano Blockchain Data with Ledger Sync

# Welcome to the Cardano Community Digest! Published by the Cardano Foundation Community Team every two weeks, this Digest will provide you with news, updates and events about the project and ecosystem! If you are interested in receiving the Community Digest in the future directly via email, please sign-up here! Recap Of The Cardano Summit 2023 We are delighted to present a brief summary of ...

Catalyst Weekly #106 - F13 next week, F12 feedback, & avatars

Hey there, beautiful soul! A new Catalyst season is just around the corner and you should not miss the kick off happening next week. Haven’t saved the date yet? Mark your calendar now for Sept. 25 and never miss out: bit.ly/catalyst-townhall. So what is new this week? Town halls are back! The team is pleased to share that an additional six projects closed out their journey with project ...

Staking and delegating for beginners—A step-by-step guide

Staking and delegating for beginners—A step-by-step guide (Written by @ElliotHill of the Cardano Foundation) Today’s hard fork marks the release of Shelley and with it, the arrival of stake pool creation and delegation. Cardano is a proof of stake (PoS) blockchain. This means that even if you do not have the time or resources to run a stake pool, you can still delegate your ada to another ...


Presentazione del Parco Cardano e di MIND, all'Ambasciata Italiana a Londra - 20 novembre 2024

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Presentazione del Parco Cardano e di MIND, all'Ambasciata Italiana a Londra - 20 novembre 2024

Si è tenuta mercoledì 20 novembre 2024 presso l’Ambasciata Italiana a #Londra l’incontro “Italian Innovation in Urban Regeneration: New Models and Perspectives” (L'innovazione italiana nella rigenerazione urbana: Nuovi modelli e prospettive), ospitato dall’Ambasciatore italiano nel Regno Unito Inigo Lambertini e organizzato in collaborazione con Arexpo.

L’iniziativa ha visto anche la partecipazione del Rettore dell’Università di Pavia Francesco Svelto che ha presentato il nuovo “Parco Gerolamo Cardano per l’innovazione sostenibile” dell’Ateneo pavese che il 20 ottobre scorso è entrato nella fase operativa con la presentazione del piano attuativo per la realizzazione del nuovo polo tecnologico-scientifico che si svilupperà in zona Cravino su oltre 38 mila metri quadri.

Oltre al Rettore Svelto e a Igor De Biasio, Ceo di Arexpo, all’incontro di Londra partecipano anche Stephen Cowan del London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, Amanda Wolthuizen dell’Imperial College London, Sara Valaguzza dell’Università di Milano, Armando De Crinito di Regione Lombardia, Fabrizio Grillo di Innovation@Mind e Marco Baccanti della Fondazione Innovazione e Trasferimento Tecnologico.

Il servizio fotografico è a cura di Arexpo spa.

Enthüllung der Zukunft: Preisvorhersagen für führende Kryptowährungen 2024-2033 🚀

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Enthüllung der Zukunft: Preisvorhersagen für führende Kryptowährungen 2024-2033 🚀

Tauchen Sie ein in die Zukunft der Kryptowährungen von 2024 bis 2033! Erfahren Sie spannende Preisvorhersagen für führende Assets wie Binance Coin, Dogecoin und Cardano. Von exponentiellem Wachstum bis hin zu revolutionären Innovationen bieten diese Prognosen einen Einblick in die Potenziale und Chancen der digitalen Finanzwelt für Investoren und Enthusiasten.


Kripto Dilemması: Federal Rezerv XRP'yi Kabul Edecek mi? Ve Shiba Inu ile Cardano Cüzdanlarına Derinlemesine Bakış 🌐💰

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Kripto Dilemması: Federal Rezerv XRP'yi Kabul Edecek mi? Ve Shiba Inu ile Cardano Cüzdanlarına Derinlemesine Bakış 🌐💰

Kripto Dilemması
Bu kapsamlı blog yazısı, Federal Rezerv'in XRP'yi benimsemesi, Shiba Inu'nun yükselişi ve Cardano cüzdanlarının seçimi gibi kripto dünyasındaki önemli konuları ele alıyor. Federal Rezerv'in XRP'yi benimseme olasılığı ve Shiba Inu'nun piyasa dinamikleri detaylıca incelenirken, kripto portföyü oluşturma stratejileri ve en iyi Cardano cüzdanları da vurgulanmaktadır. Ayrıca, kripto dünyasının sürekli evrimi ve bu değişikliklere ayak uydurmanın önemi vurgulanarak, okuyuculara kripto paraların dinamik sularında bilinçli bir şekilde seyahat etme çağrısı yapılmaktadır. www.kriptoradar.com/kripto-dilemmasi-241223/


Kripto Dilemması: Federal Rezerv XRP'yi Kabul Edecek mi? Ve Shiba Inu ile Cardano Cüzdanlarına Derinlemesine Bakış 🌐💰

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Kripto Dilemması: Federal Rezerv XRP'yi Kabul Edecek mi? Ve Shiba Inu ile Cardano Cüzdanlarına Derinlemesine Bakış 🌐💰

Kripto Dilemması
Bu kapsamlı blog yazısı, Federal Rezerv'in XRP'yi benimsemesi, Shiba Inu'nun yükselişi ve Cardano cüzdanlarının seçimi gibi kripto dünyasındaki önemli konuları ele alıyor. Federal Rezerv'in XRP'yi benimseme olasılığı ve Shiba Inu'nun piyasa dinamikleri detaylıca incelenirken, kripto portföyü oluşturma stratejileri ve en iyi Cardano cüzdanları da vurgulanmaktadır. Ayrıca, kripto dünyasının sürekli evrimi ve bu değişikliklere ayak uydurmanın önemi vurgulanarak, okuyuculara kripto paraların dinamik sularında bilinçli bir şekilde seyahat etme çağrısı yapılmaktadır. www.kriptoradar.com/kripto-dilemmasi-241223/


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The Impact Of Cardano on Economies Progress And Growth

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The Impact Of Cardano on Economies Progress And Growth


दो दिनों के नुकसान के बाद बीटीसी, ईटीएच मिंट मिनीस्कुल लाभ: विवरण

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दो दिनों के नुकसान के बाद बीटीसी, ईटीएच मिंट मिनीस्कुल लाभ: विवरण

शुक्रवार, 2 जून को बिटकॉइन 0.52 प्रतिशत की मामूली बढ़त के साथ 26,938 डॉलर (लगभग 22 लाख रुपये) पर कारोबार कर रहा था। अंतरराष्ट्रीय आदान-प्रदान। बीटीसी ने अप्रैल के मध्य में एक उल्लेखनीय उछाल देखा, जब इसमें 60 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि दर्ज की गई और लगभग 31,000 डॉलर (लगभग 25 लाख रुपये) के व्यापारिक मूल्य पर पहुंच गया। विशेषज्ञों का मानना ​​है कि मुद्रास्फीति और अमेरिका की ऋण सीमा की अराजकता के बारे में चिंता प्रमुख कारण हैं, हाल के सप्ताहों में बिटकॉइन $26,000 (लगभग 21.4 लाख रुपये) से $28,000 (लगभग 23 लाख रुपये) के बीच रेंज-बाउंड मूवमेंट दर्ज कर रहा है।उद्योग के अंदरूनी सूत्र, ताजा भविष्यवाणियों में मानते हैं कि आने वाले दिनों में बीटीसी के मूल्य में वृद्धि देखी जा सकती है।"ऑन-चेन डेटा एक दिलचस्प प्रवृत्ति का खुलासा करता है क्योंकि छोटे बिटकॉइन निवेशक, जिन्हें 'झींगा' के रूप में जाना जाता है, 1 बीटीसी से कम के वॉलेट बैलेंस के साथ आक्रामक रूप से सबसे बड़ा क्रिप्टो जमा किया है। पिछले एक महीने में ही, झींगों की आपूर्ति में 24,600 बीटीसी की वृद्धि हुई है, जो 1.31 मिलियन बीटीसी के सर्वकालिक उच्च स्तर पर पहुंच गया है। यह डेटा बताता है कि मौजूदा बिकवाली के दबाव के बावजूद, छोटे निवेशक बिटकॉइन की दीर्घकालिक क्षमता में आश्वस्त हैं," कॉइनडीसीएक्स की शोध टीम ने गैजेट्स 360 को बताया।ईथर का 2 जून को कीमत में 1.02 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि हुई, ने दिखाया क्रिप्टो मूल्य चार्ट गैजेट्स 360 द्वारा। लेखन के समय, ईथर $ 1,875 (लगभग 1.5 लाख रुपये) के मूल्य बिंदु पर कारोबार कर रहा था। पिछले दिनों में, ईटीएच ने बीटीसी से बेहतर प्रदर्शन किया और कीमत के लिहाज से $21 (लगभग


Machine Headz Carnage Edition. A Cardano NFT Collection by Kimosabe Art (@Nft4R)

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Machine Headz Carnage Edition. A Cardano NFT Collection by Kimosabe Art (@Nft4R)

Machine Headz Carnage Edition. A Cardano NFT Collection by Kimosabe Art (@Nft4R)

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Machine Headz Carnage Edition. A Cardano NFT Collection by Kimosabe Art (@Nft4R)

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